Safety Rules!
believes that all children traveling to and from school deserve a safe trip. Safety Rules! provides resources and services to help schools achieve this simple but urgent goal.

Safety Rules! will achieve this mission by:

Writing – Instructional and operation programs and manuals

Speaking – Conference presentations, workshops, staff in-service, expert testimony, and instructor training

Consultation – Bus stop, route, and school site traffic evaluations, surveys, efficiency studies, legal research

To contact us:

Ted Finlayson-Schueler
118 Shirley Road
Syracuse, NY  13224
Phone: 315.446.6333
Fax: 315.703.1871


Safety Rules! President, Ted Finlayson-Schueler has been involved in many types of writing projects since 1986.  These projects include
curricula and materials for student training, driver and attendant training, instructor training, instructor trainer training; safe operation
manuals and handbooks guiding establishment of safe operations, research and analysis of operation or state-wide practice; and
research into specific school travel topics.


Ted Finlayson-Schueler has presented numerous workshops and keynote addresses at state/provincial and national conferences on a broad range of topics.  His timely, perceptive, cutting edge presentations will make your conference one to remember.  Representative presentation topics are listed below.


Safety Rules! President Ted Finlayson-Schueler has had extensive experience in consulting projects both small and large – see curriculum vitae in About Us.  Ted also is connected to other experts in the field who of school travel who can bring additional expertise to Safety Rules! Projects.  When an organization looks outside to find assistance on a project, it usually means that a lot is at stake.  Something has to be designed, evaluated, interpreted, or
 to allow the organization to move to its next desired level.